Got my final diamond sale price back and it’s amazing

I’m sitting here writing this blog post in a bit of a state of shock. To be honest I am a bit numb and I’m a bit excited if I am honest. I feel like I have won the lottery because I had money worries and yet I had the means to get rid of those money worries in my possession the whole time.

The story is that when I got divorced I accidentally took a box with me that contained a load of jewellery that belonged to my ex-wife. Two years on and she’s never mentioned it, and I forgot about it until the other week. I decided to get a valuation, so I went to a website where you can sell diamonds online, basically you get a quote to sell the diamonds to the company who then sell them on at a profit.

I sent the diamonds off to be valued and I have to say I’m astonished, I didn’t realise she had spent that much on jewellery. The quote I have got back to the jewellery is 27,000. That’s an astonishing amount of money and I never realised that I had that money in my possession. I can’t believe she’s forgotten about it, but she’s never mentioned it and I’m sure she would have done, I don’t think she would have thought I would have stolen them, and I certainly wouldn’t have stolen those diamonds had I knew.

Anyway, I’ve accepted the valuation and I’m now going to get my money put into the bank account, which is fantastic because it means that all of a sudden my money worries are over. That is enough money for me to have savings for the long term, invest a bit, and know that if I lose my job, I have got three or four months grace before I have to start worrying about things.

So thank you to my ex-wife for buying such expensive jewellery, and not caring about it, and dumping in a box full of other rubbish by then extend the took, and it’s great that I have now got that money through selling the diamonds for cash to really take the pressure off me for the long term.

A lovely afternoon relaxing in my friends garden

It’s been a lovely day today, I took a day off work, my first in three months really and I ended up in my friends garden for the afternoon. Well I say the afternoon, it turned into the evening as well as we were sunbathing and then another friend turned up and then another, and we ended up drinking quite a bit and having a good time. It’s all this unseasonably nice weather we are having at the moment, it was really great and we had a lovely time, although some of us got a bit carried away.

I was really excited as that morning I had decided I was going to sell diamonds to the people I got a valuation from. Basically I decided to go to a diamond buying website and sell my diamonds online, I’ve already said about the story, I don’t want to go through it all again, because it’s a bit morally dubious.

Anyway, the valuation was superb and so I have today sent off the diamonds to sell and hopefully the final valuation I get once they have been inspected will be good and I will be a more better off financially.

I suppose I feel bad about having to sell diamonds I don’t actually own, they do really belong to my wife, but then I suppose if I look at it this way, it’s been two years and she hasn’t asked for them, so she has obviously forgotten or doesn’t care, plus she took things from the house without asking me and I suppose it’s the same, although obviously it wasn’t as valuable as diamonds.

Anyway, we had a great afternoon I told my friends what I done, none of them liked her anyway it turns out, and so they were all very supportive and said that why should I have a problem with it, it was mine to sell really because it was part of the marriage and not her personal possession before, she bought them during the marriage, with what was going finances, so I suppose those diamonds were partly mine.

That’s how I’m rationalising things anyway to ease my conscience and now all I have to do is wait for the final valuation on the diamonds come back. Anyway, we had a great day and it was lovely to come home to write this up and know I’ve had a lovely time for once and that things might be on the turn financially.

Really shocked about my diamond valuation

I had a really bad day at work today, I am a mechanical engineer and I was out on several jobs that proved to be far more difficult than the initial job report turned out to suggest. In fact it took an extra two hours to get the second job done and I ended up getting home late this evening. I was pretty fed up about that, and although it’s good for the overtime money, it’s not a good for my quality of life, I had to miss out on a night out with a friend.

That put me in a bad mood but when I checked my emails I realised that I was really into a goldmine, or should I say a diamond mine. I said earlier that I had decided to go down that road of selling some diamonds online that I had from my marriage.

I have a moral issue with it, because they belong to my ex-wife, but after two years I don’t think she’s going to ever asked them back and it would be weird for me to offer them back, so I think that I am quite okay morally in terms of selling the diamonds. So what I decided to do was to see if I could sell diamonds for cash, and some other items as well.

The email was amazing because the initial valuation I have had from the diamond buying company website I went through is much higher than I thought, the diamonds are worth tens of thousands and I thought they were worth two or 3000. It’s amazing and although I suspect the final valuation will be lower, to have those diamonds to sell is such a unexpected positive.

If they are worth tens of thousands then I will be in a position I’ve never been in financially since my divorce, it will allow me to have savings behind me for the long term and maybe even have some money to invest, that will be brilliant and I am so pleased that this little box of guilt that I took out my marriage could turn out to be a diamond mine hidden away in my house.

The case of the missing cat has finally been solved

About a week ago my old neighbour knocked on the door to tell me that his beloved old cat had gone missing. He had not seen her for two days and he was very concerned. We all know about the cat, it often hangs around and if you leave door open it will get into your place and you will find it curled up somewhere.

So I think he was asking basically for everyone to keep a look out for in case it was hiding somewhere, and obviously after two days you would think it will be looking for food and attention so I didn’t say, but I feared the worst because I thought that it must inevitably have died somewhere.

Well today was a great end to the story. I was sitting on my computer filling in the details of the diamonds I’m looking to sell. I said in my last blog post I’m looking to sell diamonds online that I had from my marriage.

It’s a bit unethical because they weren’t mine to sell, but unfortunately I’m thinking that if I sell diamonds for cash that I need then that’s not a problem after two years.

But anyway, he knocked on the door as I was filling in the online form to get the initial guide price on the diamonds I’m looking to sell, and he told me a great end to the story.

He said that the old cat had turned up. Apparently it’s had jumped in the back of a delivery van and been driven off back to the depot a week ago. By the time they had opened the van next day, got the cat to a sanctuary, and then it had been scanned to see that had a microchip, a couple of days had passed. By the time they had worked out who owned the cat nearly a week had gone by and they had only just rang my old neighbour to telling.

So that was a great end to the story and the cat is now safe to roam free again and get into our houses and cause problems.

That was a lovely end to the story and a lovely end the day, because I then completed the diamond evaluation form and hopefully if I can sell these diamonds online quickly then that will be a great way for me to release potentially several thousands worth of locked up money which will really help me.

I’m wondering if I could sell diamonds online to ease my money worries

This is a bit of a strange story but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a few months.

Basically I came out of my marriage two years ago where I was married to a lady who was very wealthy. She had a great job and although I worked, it was her money which allowed us to have a really good lifestyle.

I really enjoyed it and I got used to that comfort in my life, so when we got divorced it was a real upset for my lifestyle and also being lonely. It was a real thing that hit me hard and I took a long time to adjust to it.

Money has been a real issue for me. And I’ve been wondering about how I can get out of the money worries I am in, they are not huge but I am running a deficit each month and I don’t have any savings and it will be great to put some money behind me.

One thing that I realised just a few months ago is that when I moved out of the home I accidentally took a box that had been packed and it wasn’t for me. It contained a box of her jewellery. It was all high-end jewellery including several items with diamonds in them. I know that they are worth a lot of money and after two years separated I’m not going to suddenly give them back to her.

So what I’m thinking about doing is seeing if I can sell diamonds online, seeing if I can sell the diamonds for cash basically to alleviate my worries, they are worth thousands and they could be great for me.

I have looked at information online, and it looks like you can sell diamonds online really easily. Basically you can get a quotation, then send them to be looked at by a certified GIA gemologist, and then you will receive a firm offer for what you are selling.

That seemed good to me as there is no risk until you decide to take the offer the diamond buyer offers, so it seems pretty good to me. I have got a moral issue with it because the diamonds are not mine to sell, but I cannot imagine after two years she suddenly going to think that I might have them and ask for them back. That would be pretty crazy and I can’t imagine it’s going to happen.

So that’s the plan, I think I’m going to sell the diamonds and get some money, but I do have to get a quotation and then overcome my moral dilemma before I get to the final stage of selling them.

Welcome to the blog of a diamond geezer

The title is a bit of a joke, I’m not really a diamond geezer, I’m not even in geezer, I’m just a normal guy who has a normal job really.

I am an engineer and I make a pretty decent living, but obviously money can be tight for me just as it can be for anyone else. I think I will probably talk about my money issues a bit more in my next blog post, I don’t want to drag the tone of my new blog down straight away.

I suppose that I would really like to talk about why am blogging in the first place. I wouldn’t have thought that a 32-year-old man is a typical blogger, I would think that I am not in the typical demographic for doing this.

I think what it is, is that when I was young I had a diary. Before computers really, I had a physical diary where I used to write my innermost thoughts in it every night, spill the beans, tell how my feelings were, and then I would lock it up in a little box under my bed.

I felt that doing this was a great way of getting my feelings out and dealing with them. Not at the time, I didn’t analyse in that way, but looking back, that’s what I was doing. It was a great little therapy that I did on myself.

And that’s why I am blogging now. It’s going to be anonymous, and I’m not going to be talking about things that can make me be revealed as who I am, it’s going to be just general thoughts coming out of my head. I’m going to talk about my problems and issues and hopefully by blogging about them I’m going to be able to get them out of my mind, resolve them and order them a bit, and then when I hit publish just maybe have some clarification and resolution to some of the issues.

That’s the goal anyway, but I’m sure it will not be that simple and I will probably end up rambling on about all sorts of rubbish that is going on in my life, but I think it’s important to say that whatever I say, I hope I don’t offend or upset anyone. This is not meant to be an opinion blog, it’s not meant to entertain be something for people to see is a destination, if anybody reads it that’s a bonus, but it’s mostly being written for my benefit.